Matt, Beth and Kristi working on the brick wall, tearing it down. We needed it torn down so we could put the trailer there. We are saving the bricks and going to clean them and re-use them for the house or for the yard.
Kristi working on the brick wall.
Kristi, Alicia, and Beth taking a picture and a break. Alicia was wearing a dress and got away with not working on the house that day- but she will someday! :) hehe
In order to fit the trailer there, we had to cut down a tree. Dad and Matt were working on cutting down that first tree.
The Trailer is being delivered. This is where we will be living for the next couple months, just 30 feet away from our house so that we can go to and from the house when we are working.
Matt is working on the bricks and putting them in a pile after tearing down the wall.
This is the trailer we bought for the next couple months for us to live in.
Buying some working gloves
Picking out a mailbox
Matt and Dad using a Post Hole Digger to dig some holes in the ground for the posts for the fence in the front yard.
This is the key to the house!!!!!!
Dad made a mailbox for us, and it's all ready for mail!!!!!!!! :)