Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Windows are in!

We opted to replace every window in the house for more efficient use of heat and air conditioning. The old windows were single paned and did not look promising for effective use either. So we tore out all the old windows, and ordered new double paned windows. Matt placed them in himself, sliding them into the old window frames. The toughest one proved to be the kitchen window.

We picked them up from the store and took them to our house. :)

The New Air Conditioner

Dad, Uncle Jerry, and Matt took apart the old air conditioner unit and placed a brand new one on our roof. They got a crane to lift it up there on the roof so they could fasten it, but I was not there with the camara when this occured unfortuantly. Here are a few of the pictures of them on the roof placing the new air conditioner on the roof.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Coming Soon!

Over the past few weeks, Matt and Dad, and Uncle Jerold have been working tremendously hard on our house! They've taken off the old Air Conditioner unit from the roof and replaced it with a new one! (This process has allowed me to get awesome photos of the three of them on our roof!) Also, they have hooked up the washer and dryer in our house, on top of the subfloor- and now we can do laundry at our house! I am excited to show you all these photos that I have of these processes, but unfortuantly, I will have to log onto here again later to post them. Our house is coming along! :)

Sliding Glass Door and Window placed in Dining Room!

After careful consideration of where the traffic flow of the people walking around in the Dining Room would be, we opted for a Sliding Glass Door on the side of the Dining Room, and chose to close off the back door with a wall. We considered having two outside doors in the same room (like how the house was originally designed when we bought it) but we decided to close in one of the doors (the back door) and place a laundry room and linen closet in that space. And the side door now is a beautiful sliding glass door that will open to a small deck outside, with one stair step down to ground level outside.

This was the open space in the dining room from the old big huge window. Also to the far right of this picture is the old side door. Matt is working on the threshold for the Sliding Glass Door to be placed in the big space where that big window was.

This is the view of the Sliding Glass door from the inside of the Dining Room. :)

This is the outside of the house, and Matt and Dad framed in the old door space.

And now... for the other outside wall of the Dining Room...

We opted for a smaller window to close in the space. I believe it was 5feetX3feet. (I will get back to you guys on that because I am not sure.) I really like how the wall turned out.

Both Matt and Dad worked on this wall and closed in the old back door. It looks great now. And soon... you will see the beginnings of a closet space where that old back door was. :)

Dining Room!

This is the Dining Room. Matt and Dad put in the entire subfloor in, and after that they worked on the fireplace and the laundry outlets. (We will have a laundry closet where Dad was working on the laundry hot and cold pipes.)

This is what the old fireplace looked like.

Taking out that iron fireplace was a HEAVY job!

Dad working on the hot and cold pipes for the washer and dryer.

Mocha and Matt were "moral support" for Dad when he was working on our hot and cold pipes for the washer and dryer. :) Everyone needs a loyal lab to help them with their work! :)

Progress! Progress! Progress!

I have been unable to blog lately, due to a life that is extremely busy with everything that we've got going on. I feel horrible that I haven't been able to show you all the progress of our house, as the guys are continuously working on the house and their work deserves recognition! Plus, it is AMAZING how far along they are coming on the house! A big thank you goes to everyone that is and has been helping out!!!! :)


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kitchen Ceiling Renovation/ Bathroom Renovation

In the meantime, during the other project of demoing the Dining Room, we are also renovating the Kitchen Ceiling. Here are some pictures of Dad and Matt working on the ceiling.

Also, Dad is working hard core on the bathroom. He has put in all new plumbing and electrical wiring into the bathroom, and Matt and Dad have placed in a sub floor. Dad is also creating the soffit that will be the lowered ceiling over our bathtub/shower.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Back to Demo Work Again: Working on the Dining Room!

As much as we would have liked to keep working on the kitchen and puttng the kitchen back together, instuling new cabinets etc, we decided that doing all the demo work on the house at the same time would be the best option. So we decided to do the last project of demo in the house- the Dining Room. The Dining Room has a subfloor that is not level througout the entire house. We need to work on the subfloor and make it level just like how we made the kitchen and living room subfloors level (using floor joists). We also have decided to place a washer and dryer hook up in the closet of the Dining Room. Therefore, we have to take out the existing closet and extend the wall out eight inches into the Dining Room to make a closet wide enough and long enough for the washer and dryer. (In the end I promise it will look good!) Also, there were two doors leading to the outside, on either outside wall in the Dining Room. We are going to frame in one door, and where there was a big wall sized window, we are going to place a Sliding Glass Door there instead. The back door will remain where it is, except we will make it a standard sized door and fix the existing door frame. All in all- those are the projects in the Dining Room that we are taking on! :) Let the Demo work begin of tearing out the closet wall, and door frames we do not need!