Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Windows are in!

We opted to replace every window in the house for more efficient use of heat and air conditioning. The old windows were single paned and did not look promising for effective use either. So we tore out all the old windows, and ordered new double paned windows. Matt placed them in himself, sliding them into the old window frames. The toughest one proved to be the kitchen window.

We picked them up from the store and took them to our house. :)

The New Air Conditioner

Dad, Uncle Jerry, and Matt took apart the old air conditioner unit and placed a brand new one on our roof. They got a crane to lift it up there on the roof so they could fasten it, but I was not there with the camara when this occured unfortuantly. Here are a few of the pictures of them on the roof placing the new air conditioner on the roof.